St. George’s has a group of dedicated cantors and readers who diligently and prayerfully sing and chant the services. Our Cantors group, sings all the divine services throughout the church year in both Ukrainian and English. Readers are those, who chant the Hours before the Divine Liturgy, read the Epistle during the Divine Liturgy and chant various other portions of services throughout the year. Fluency in both langauges is not required to come join in these ministries. We warmly invite anyone interested to come join this sacred ministry!
"Pray gently and calmly. Sing with understanding and rhythm.
Then you will soar like a young eagle, high in the heavens,"
+St. Evagrius Ponticus
There are few ministries of the Church that require the devotion and the dedication that church singing does. Those who lead the singing as well as those who follow the leader are precious gifts in any parish. Cantors and Readers are as important to the parish as is the holy table itself. As there can be no liturgy without the holy table, there can be no liturgy without cantors and readers. This is not meant to compliment or make cantors and readers prideful, but rather to express the need for a little fear and awe, so that the importance of the task may be underscored. Church singing is not a hobby. It is first and foremost a duty, a duty of those to whom God has given musical talents. It is sinful, for someone not to sing who has been given the gift to sing. You join the angels, and do that which the angels do perpetually. That’s not an interest, avocation, or a hobby; it is a duty. Angels were created to serve and to praise, and you have been given voices for that same purpose.