Українська Православна Церква св. Юрія
St. George Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada (Ecumenical Patriarchate)
St. Catharines, Ontario


St. George's Library


Library and Kiosk open Sundays during Coffee Hour!

Our library is located in the parish hall and was founded in the late 1990’s.  It has a vast assortment of books, videos, and audio recordings for your enjoyment and spiritual enrichment.

Our Vision for the Parish Library Board is Threefold:

To maintain a parish library that provides a welcoming atmosphere for young and old of the church to spend time in relaxation or learning; ie.  reading, watching videos, listening to music, etc. or if they prefer to relax and learn at home; to be able to borrow, free of charge, items in the library.

To provide a place where parishioners feel they can leave family artifacts of their Ukrainian heritage and these items will be displayed and treasured rather than disposed of.

To be involved in fundraising; ie. coffee hours, raffles, kiosk, etc.; to be able:

(a) to buy materials for the library to enhance parishioners' experience when visiting it 

(b)  to donate to our church monetarily or otherwise when needed 

(c)  to reach out to our local community with donations as well as to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada; so that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. George (St. Catharines) is not an isolated community but is "alive" within, as well as locally and in the community of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada.

This Week


October 9 – Wednesday

† Akathist to the Great Martyr Pentaleimon: 6:00 p.m.



October 12  – Saturday

† Great Vespers: 5:00 p.m.


October 13 – Sunday


16th Sunday after Pentecost

† Divine Liturgy: 9:30 a.m.




Upcoming Events



40th Anniversary of Priesthood - Fr. Gregory 

Sunday, November 24, 2024



6. Holy Apostle Thomas

Св. Ап. Фоми

2 Cor. 4:6-15; Lk. 7:11-16


7. Martyrs Sergius and Bacchus  

Мчч. Сергія і Вакха

Gal. 4:28-5:10; Lk. 7:36-50


8. Virgin-martyr Pelagia of Antioch

Прп. Пелагії Діви

Gal. 5:11-21; Lk. 8:1-3


9. Holy Apostle James Alpheus

Св. Ап. Якова Алфеєва

Gal. 6:2-10; Lk. 10:1-21


10. Synaxis of the Saints of Volhynia

Собор Волинських святих

Eph. 1:1-9; Lk. 9:7-11


11. Martyr Zenaida and Philonilla

Мцц. Зінаїди і Філоніли

Eph. 1:7-17; Lk. 9:12-18


12. St. Martin the Merciful

Ст. Мартина Милостивого

1 Cor. 10:23-28; Lk. 6:1-10


13. Holy Fathers. Of the VII Ecumenical Council

Свв. оо. VII Вселенського Собору

2 Cor. 6:1-10; Lk. 8:5-15