Українська Православна Церква св. Юрія
St. George Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada (Ecumenical Patriarchate)
St. Catharines, Ontario

Theophany 2025 - 01/05/2025

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40th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination - Fr. Gregory Mielnik - 11/24/2024

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Bishop Andriy's Pastoral Visit - 11/21/2024

On the Feastday of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple, His Grace, Bishop Andriy with the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Ilarion bestowed parish Rector, Fr. Gregory Mielnik the right to wear the second jeweled cross.

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Archpasoral Visitation of His Grace Bishop Andriy Sunday, May 12, 2024

Архипастирська Визитація Преосвященішого Владики Андрія Неділя, 12 травня 2024

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Пасха - Pascha 2024

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Pysanka Bingo 2024

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Pysanka Workshop 2024

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Theophany 2024

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Holodomor Commemoration 2023 - 11/25/2023

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Pentecost 2023 - 06/04/2023

On Sunday, June 4, 2023  on behalf of the entire parish community of St. George’s, Greg Taras (Parish Council President) and Natalka Diduch (Parish Council Secretary) present Fr. Dcn. Yakiv Mielnik with an icon of the ‘Protection of the Mother of God’ on the occasion of his recent ordination (April 1st). The icon was recently completed by local iconographer Nestor Komar.

Many will remember that Fr. Dcn. Yakiv Mielnik was ordained on the 5th Saturday of Great Lent dedicated to the Laudations of the Mother of God, it is with Her intercessions and beneath Her Protection that Fr. Dcn. Yakiv carries out his diaconal ministry. Many years to Fr. Dcn. Yakiv Mielnik!

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75th Anniversary Celebrations - 05/07/2023

On Sunday, May 7th, 2023, our parish celebrated its 75th anniversary. The celebrations were led by His Eminence, Metropolitan Ilarion and His Grace, Bishop Andriy.

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Ordination of Yakiv Mielnik to the Diaconate - 04/01/2023

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365 Days of Resistance
365 днів Незламності

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Богоявлення 2023 Theophany

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Різдво Христове 2023 Nativity of our Lord - 01/07/2023

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St Nicholas 2022 - 12/18/2022

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Holy Week and Pascha 2022

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#StandwithUkraine - 01/30/2022

On Sunday, January 30, 2022 the Ukrainian Community of Niagara Region under the organization of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Niagara held a rally in support of Ukraine who is under threat of invasion from the Russian Federation. Fr. Gregory lead a prayer for peace in Ukraine. This rally was held in conjunction with Ukrainians in Niagara Falls USA who were simultaneously holding a rally across the falls.

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Theophany 2022 - 01/19/2022

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Holy (Altar) Table Consecration - 10/02/2021

On Saturday, October 2, 2021, His Grace Andriy, Bishop of Toronto and the Eastern Eparchy celebrated the Great Consecration of the Holy Table and the Temple. 

A booklet prepared explaining the Altar Consecration. click here

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Pysanka Bingo 2020 - 03/14/2020

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Theophany 2020

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Nativity of our Lord 2020 - 01/07/2020

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Christmas Bazaar 2019 - 12/14/2018

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Pascha 2019

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Palm Sunday 2019

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Pysanka Bingo - 03/30/2019

St. George's held is annual Pysanka Bingo. 

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Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/17/2019

St. George UOC hosted a Pan-Orthodox Vespers celebrating the Triumph of Orthodoxy.

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St. Nicholas Concert - 12/16/2018

Photo credit: Kalyna Taras

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Ukrainian Christmas Bazaar 2018 - 12/15/2018

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Archpastoral Visit of His Grace Bishop Andriy - 10/07/2018

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Brock University - Art Students Visit - 09/26/2018

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2018 Annual Wine Tour - 09/22/2018

Wineries Visited: Back 10 Cellars, Rosewood Estates Winery & Meadery and Leaning Post Wines

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This Week


March 12 – Wednesday

† Liturgy of Presactified Gifts: 9:30 a.m.


March 15 – Saturday

Soul Saturday

† Divine Liturgy: 9:30 a.m.

† Great Vespers: 5:00 p.m.


March 16 – Sunday

2nd Sunday of Great Lent

St. Gregory Palamas

† Divine Liturgy: 9:30 a.m.



Upcoming Events


Pysanka Workshop

Saturday, March 15, 2025


Pysanka Bingo

Saturday, March 29, 2025



2. Cheese-fare Sunday

Сиропусна Неділя

St. Job, Metropolitan of Kyiv

Свт. Іова, митр. Київського

Rom. 13:11-14:4; Mt. 6:14-21


3. Clean Monday

Чистий Понеділок

Is. 1:1-20; Gen. 1:1-13; Prov. 1:1-20


4. Clean Tuesday

Чистий Вівторок

Is. 1:19-2:3; Gen. 1:14-23; Prov. 1:20-33


5. Clean Wednesday

Чистий Середа

Is. 2:3-11; Gen. 1:24-2:3; Prov. 2:1-22


6. Clean Thursday

Чистий Четвер

Is. 2:11-21; Gen. 2:4-19; Prov. 3:1-18


7. Clean Friday

Чистий П’ятниця

Is. 3:1-14; Gen. 2:20-3:20; Prov. 3:19-34


8. Miracle of St. Theodore

Чуда Св. Феодора

Heb. 1:1-12; Mk. 2:23 - 3:5


9. 1st Sunday of the Great Fast.

1-а неділя Великого Посту

Sunday of Orthodoxy

Неділя Православ’я

Heb. 11:24-26, 11:32-12:2; Jn. 1:43-51


10. Martyr Quadratus

Мч. Киндрата

Is. 4:2-5:7; Gen. 3:21-4:7; Prov. 3:34-4:22


11. Ven. Sophronius, Recluse of the Kyiv Caves

Прп. Софронія, затворника Печерського

Is. 5:7-16; Gen. 4:8-15; Prov. 5:1-15


12. St. Gregory the Dialogist

Свт. Григорія Двоєслова

Is. 1:19-2:3; Gen. 1:14-23; Prov. 1:20-33


13. St. Nicephorus, Pat. of Constantinople

Свт. Никифора, пат. Константинопольського

Is. 6:1-12; Gen. 5:1-24; Prov. 6:3-20


14. St. Theognostus, Met. of Kyiv

Свт. Феогноста, Мит. Київського

Is. 7:1-14; Gen. 5:32-6:8; Prov. 6:20-7:1


15. Hieromartyr Alexander

Свящмч. Олександра

Heb. 3:12-16; Mk. 1:35-44


16. 2nd Sunday of the Great Fast.

St. Gregory Palamas.

Свт. Григорія Палами

Heb. 1:10-2:3; Mk. 2:1-12


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